Sunday Skin Pick Book Review: The Complete Guide To Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP) Disorders

Available at is one of my favorite resources and David Florendale is a bit of an expert in skin picking. As a picker himself, he has traversed the territory and knows what to expect from recovery.

It’s a shame he doesn’t really go into it in this book.

This book is a great look at dermatillomania and if you don’t know much about the disorder I highly recommend it.

But I don’t think it’s very helpful in terms of recovery, and after reading the blurb on the website, I was expecting something a bit more useful. It didn’t help me recover, and doesn’t really outline any steps towards recovery.

On the other side of that coin, he does go into various treatment methods and outlines options for sufferers. It’s just that I was expecting a step by step guide to recovery. I was also hoping to read about his experiences of recovery, and what worked for him.

If you’re looking for information on dermatillomania, this is one of the most comprehensive and easy to read guides out there.

It really depends on where you are with your recovery. If you don’t know what treatment methods are available to you, if you don’t understand the disorder or are new to your diagnosis, this book will be valuable. If you’ve read all the literature and know what’s happening, this book probably won’t be so useful.

Most of all, I think this is a great read for the people around someone suffering from compulsive skin picking. My husband found it useful in understanding what is going on with this disorder, and deepened his comprehension of the issue.

As pickers, our support network is important to our recovery, and I think this book belongs with them.

I give The Complete Guide To Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP) Disorders 8/10. Great for information, but it’s not a guide to recovery.

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3 Responses to Sunday Skin Pick Book Review: The Complete Guide To Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP) Disorders

  1. 71º & Sunny says:

    Thanks for the great review. I think I may pick up a copy anyway, just as you say, for the basic info. So, here’s a question for you. Are there any good guides to recovery that you know of?

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